HTML 5.0, CSS and XML: Basic Tags of HTML, Tables, div, span, Forms, Media Tags. Controlling Page Layout, Backgrounds, borders, colours, and text, Transformations and Animations. XML Elements, XML DTD and Schema
JavaScript and JQuery: JavaScript Essential Syntax: Declaring variables and arrays, Using operators and expressions, Loops and decision-making constructs, JavaScript Functions, Alert, confirmation and prompt boxes, Regular expressions, JavaScript Objects, Event-handling. jQuery introduction, The jQuery ready Function, jQuery Selectors, jQuery and DOM, jQuery and Events, jQuery UI: jQuery UI overview, Animation and special effects, the amable widgets.
AJAX and Angular JS: Overview of AJAX, Creating an XML Http Request object, interacting with a server, Handling XML and JSON. Angular JS Introduction, Expressions and Data Biding, Working with Directives, Controllers and Forms
JDBC and Servlets: JDBC Drivers, Connections, Statements and Result Set.Servlets: Servlet Life Cycle, Servlet Types, Session Management and JDBC-Servlet
JSP and Beans: JSP Life Cycle, JSP Elements, implicit Objects, Session Tracking, JDBC-JSP, Bean Creation, JDBC-Bean, Introspection.
Struts and Hibernate: Struts Introduction, Struts Flow of Execution, Struts Elements, Struts Tag Library and Validations. Advantages of Hibernate compared to JDBC, ORM (Object Relational Mapping).Configuration xml file and Mapping xml file along with dtds. Hibernate architecture. Installation and Directory Structure Hibernate Data Types. Application using Hibernate.
- Web Programming, building internet applications, Chris Bates 2nd edition, WILEY Dreamtech.
- Java Server Pages -Hans Bergsten, SPD O'Reilly.
- Javascript: JSON and Ajax - O'Reilly Media
- AngularJS, JavaScript, and jQuery All in One, Sams Teach Yourself.
- Programming world wide web-Sebesta, Pearson